Dr Sanj Raut
Dr Raut is a Pharmacologist by training with his undergraduate and PhD degrees from the University of Liverpool.
He joined NIBSC in 1993 and has over 25-years’ experience in the field of Haemostasis and Haemophilia, gained principally at NIBSC.
He is responsible for the development and upkeep of World Health Organization WHO International Standards, British Standards and European Standards for Coagulation Factor VIII (FVIII), with a focus on standardisation of both recombinant and plasma derived FVIII concentrates. Other standardisation responsibilities include assays of fibrinogen, factor XIII, FVIII bypassing agents and neutralising antibodies (inhibitors) to FVIII.
His laboratory performs Independent Control Testing of FVIII therapeutic concentrates (for both UK and non-UK batch release)
His research interests include the measurement, mechanisms of action and immunogenicity of current and novel FVIII therapeutics, as well as haemophilia gene and cell therapy.
He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications covering various aspects of Haemostasis and Haemophilia.