Dr Nicola Rose
Dr Nicola Rose joined NIBSC in 2001. She is a principal scientist in the live viral vaccines section of the Division of Virology and heads a group of pre- and post-doctoral scientists.
She has over 20 years’ experience in primate RNA viruses, models of infection and vaccination and host genetics gained primarily through working in the University of Cambridge, Department of Medicine (UK) and the former Division of Retrovirology at NIBSC, supported by a PhD in molecular genetics from the University of Leicester.
She is involved in the quality assessment of vaccines used in routine childhood vaccination programmes and those for emergency use. Her group is collaborating with the Chinese National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIFDC) to generate international standards for the assessment of Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine and immune responses.
Her research interests lie in 2 main areas. The assessment of viral vaccines and protective responses is currently focused on rotavirus and the group has current active collaborations with the Universities of Liverpool (PhD student) and Nottingham, and NIFDC. The group also has an interest in models of chronic viral disease, which has been supported by EU funding and Institute PhD studentships. She has over 35 refereed publications and has received a range of research funding including from the EU and the Medical Research Council (MRC).
Nicola supervises PhD students and coordinates the post-graduate programme at the Institute.
She is the Biological Safety Officer for NIBSC.