Dr Jun Wheeler
With her first degree in Chinese Medicine, Jun was a registered hospital pharmacist in Shanghai. It was during her postgraduate training in the School of Pharmacy in Sydney, that she developed a strong interest in analytical chemistry. During her PhD in Australia, she became one of the pioneers involved in the research and technology developments underpinning the ‘proteome’ concept. After that, she worked in two world leading proteomic groups to further her proteomics expertise and academic understanding. Before moving to NIBSC in 2003, she was a proactive scientist in a large company developing state-of-the-art proteomic platforms where she gained valuable experience in an industrial environment.
Leading the Mass Spectrometry & Proteomic group, Jun has established a large number of internal and external collaborations through the use of her extensive knowledge and experience in proteomics, in particular, in its application to the characterisation and development of vaccines and biotherapeutics. She is highly motivated to bring success to NIBSC and her collaborators.