NIBSC deliver joint webinar with IBMS on quality control materials
In November, the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) and the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) hosted a joint webinar on the use of quality control (QC) materials in diagnostic testing.
This webinar,
Quality control materials: how best to use them, why they can improve your service, and what this means for your laboratory accreditation, attracted over 70 delegates, including biomedical scientists, laboratory and quality managers and assay manufacturers, and covered topics such as, choosing and using QC materials, and monitoring your data.With the introduction of ISO15189, those working in the field are under increasing pressure to meet required QC standards. This event aimed to address these issues, sharing best practice around the use of QC materials with attendees and showcasing the value they could add to their service and laboratory accreditation.Jennifer Sandle, Quality Assurance Officer at NIBSC kicked off the webinar by explaining how the appropriate use of QC materials can help to ensure compliance with the new ISO 15189 standard.