National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
Animal Welfare and Ethics Review Body
Minutes of a meeting held on Tuesday 16 March at 2:00 pm
In attendance:
December 2020
Added PILH to the Scientist member
Accepted otherwise.
Action: Secretariat to update on Minutes.
February 2021
Accepted without amendment
20-07: AGM or workshop had been discussed. A number of management changes across the Institute has impacted progress, as well as time commitments under pandemic working conditions. Proposal to have AGM in summer; workshop could be postponed – BSD Head more confident that current method of working is suitable but can go back to ROC if needed. Action CLOSED
20-09: NACWO indicated Concordat meetings continue bi-monthly under COVID restrictions; might pick up when able to have visitors more routinely. The 3Rs is to be added to NIBSC website under Good News Stories. Action CLOSED
20-12: on Agenda
20-14: was reported back to February meeting; discussion with outgoing and incoming PELH; Chair to confirm is PELH report has been shared with SMT. Action Chair
20-16: to be confirmed by HOLC (not present)
21-01: CLOSED
21-03: contacted the scientist who had prompted the discussion on collaborations with animals outside of UK to thank them for alerting the AWERB
21-02: Chair spoke with NACWO and NVS – questionnaire to be drafted.
21-04: CLOSED
One scientific member will be stepping down from the committee. AWERB needs a person who is involved in NHP work. PPL Holder roles are covered by existing membership. Also interested in additional Lay member/s – one current Lay member offered to talk with prospective members to talk through how the group operates.
Consider a short pitch at the Town Hall meeting – Action: Chair to discuss with Head of Corporate Affairs.
HOLC gave overview of key points from report. New license ASPeL system is working well.
New HOI.
One HOI report issued to HOI and PPL revised accordingly.
Annual risk review was undertaken with PEL Holder
Head BSD: recruitment progress over last few months. NTCO post will be filled 29 March; several grant funded posts; recruitment agency staff member has just been extended; two permanent technicians have joined. 1 post to fill on the support side – campaign at shortlisting stage. All new staff require training which takes time but good investment.
Keeping to teams working still – about 2/3 staff in at any one time. Keeps the backlog of work ongoing
ACF currently under SLA. Due to go live again in next week or two. Hamster COVID studies then planned.
BSD roof repairs to be started later in the year – currently some rooms out of action.
PF cage washer still out of action.
Resident animals – need rationale for normal bleeders. NACWO to email PPL Holder.
Also the tamarin colony – time limited decision may be needed. Ties in with the QQR to discuss the scientific rationale.
Quiet since December.
Investigating the humanised mouse model for tumour growth. Looking into possible reasons underlying loss of condition.
Ferret supplier. One of the two is closing its business.
Last NHP COVID study concluded in January. Tamarins and marmosets are not that susceptible to infection/disease. No further studies planned currently.
CHIKV – 11 cynomolgus macaques to be used then another 4 planned. The remaining male was vascetomised and introduced to the females and harmonious group. However, became ill last week but recovering with palliative care. Hope to reintroduce the animal to the study.
Bi-monthly meetings continue. Slow progression because of current restrictions under pandemic.
One animal technician gave a presentation on tunnelling of mice – hoping to add this as a good news story on the website.
Head Corporate Affairs to arrange for visit from Head of UAR as update since signing the Concordat. Will be open to staff from across the Agency.
NACWO – has looked at group sizes for one of the Tg mouse colonies – working well.
Group housing of hamsters successfully trialled – many places do not believe this is possible.
9.1. QQR had to be postponed once again but hoping to get it timetabled again later in the year.
9.2. comments on the training and competency ToR to feed back to NACWO
9.3. External lay member offered thanks to the outgoing committee member and also to the BSD staff for managing the recruitment and the significant workload and scope through such a difficult period.
The meeting concluded at 15:30 pm.
These Minutes have been viewed and approved by the Establishment Licence Holder (Director of NIBSC).
Signature: REDACTED
Date: 6th July 2021