Glycophorin A (GYPA), the main protein on erythrocytes inhibited TGN1412-induced cytokine release: Cytokine release after red blood cell (RBC) depletion (RBC depleted) in presence of glycophorin A (+ GYPA) or whole blood (+ WB)
Key publications
Vessillier, S., M. Fort, L. O’Donnell, H. Hinton, K. Nadwodny, J. Piccotti, P. Rigsby, K. Staflin, R. Stebbings and D. Mekala, Willingham, A. and B. Wolf (2020). "Development of the first reference antibody panel for qualification and validation of cytokine release assay platforms-Report of an international collaborative study." Cytokine: X: 100042.
Whitfield, S. J. C. , Taylor, C., Risdall, J. E., Griffiths, G. D. , Jones, J. T. A., Williamson, E. D., Rijpkema, S., Saraiva, L. , Vessillier, S., Green , A. C. and Carter, A. J. (2017) Interference of the T Cell and Antigen-Presenting Cell Costimulatory Pathway Using CTLA4-Ig (Abatacept) Prevents Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Pathology. The Journal of Immunology, 198 (10): 3989-3998.
Vessillier, S., Eastwood, D., Fox, B., Swaminathan, S., Sathish, J. Thorpe, S.J., Thorpe, R. and Stebbings, R. (2015) Cytokine release assays for the prediction of therapeutic mAb safety in first-in man trials - Whole blood cytokine release assays are poorly predictive for TGN1412 cytokine storm. Journal of immunological methods 424:43-52.
Reed, D.M., Paschalaki, K.E., Starke, R.D., Mohamed, N.A, Sharp, G., Fox, B., Eastwood, E., Bristow, A., Ball, C., Vessillier, S., Hansel, T.T., Thorpe, S.J., Randi, A.M., Stebbings, R. and Mitchell, J.A. (2015) An autologous endothelial cell: PBMC assay that detects cytokine storm responses to biologics. FASEB Journal, 29(6): 2595-602.
Stebbings, R., L. Findlay, C. Edwards, D. Eastwood, C. Bird, D. North, Y. Mistry, P. Dilger, E. Liefooghe, I. Cludts, B. Fox, G. Tarrant, J. Robinson, T. Meager, C. Dolman, S. J. Thorpe, A. Bristow, M. Wadhwa, R. Thorpe and S. Poole (2007). "Cytokine storm" in the phase I trial of monoclonal antibody TGN1412: better understanding the causes to improve preclinical testing of immunotherapeutics. J.Immunol. 179(5): 3325-3331.
Eastwood D, Findlay L, Poole S, Bird C, Wadhwa M, Moore M, Burns C, Thorpe R, Stebbings R. (2010). Monoclonal antibody TGN1412 trial failure explained by species differences in CD28 expression on CD4+effector memory T-cells. Brit. J. Pharmacol. 161:512-26.
Eastwood D, Bird C, Dilger P, Findlay L, Poole S, Thorpe SJ, Thorpe R, Wadhwa M, Stebbings R. (2013). Severity of the TGN1412 trial disaster cytokine storm correlated with IL-2 release. Brit. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 76:299-315.
Stebbings R, Eastwood D, Poole S, Thorpe R. (2013). After TGN1412: Recent developments in cytokine release assays. J. Immunotoxicology 10:75-82.