Apply for stem cell lines
The UK Stem Cell Bank distributes
human embryonic stem cell lines,
induced pluripotent stem cells and
mouse embryonic fibroblasts to support scientific research and clinical development of stem cell therapies. All of our activities are performed following the
Code of practice [PDF] for the use of human stem cell lines.
Human embryonic stem cell lines (clinical-grade or research-grade)
The UK Stem Cell Bank Steering Committe (UK Steering Committee) oversees the activities of the UK Stem Cell Bank and the use of human embryonic stem cell lines in the UK. To access clinical-grade or research-grade human embryonic stem cell lines follow the process provided below:
Complete the relevant application form and send to the UK Steering Committee at
Contact us at to discuss your requirements.
Execution of legal documentation will be required for the acquisition of this cell line (Research Use License). Additional documents will need to be completed including a “Shipping and Order Form” along with a “NIBSC New Customer Form” (if required).
Once all documentation is provided, a member of the team will contact you to arrange the shipping of the requested cell line at the earliest convenience.
Cryovials of the cell line of interest will be supplied to you along with a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) and cell culture protocols. Any feedback on this process will be much appreciated to help improve our service. Please get in touch at
NIBSC8 (iPSC) line
To access our NIBSC8 induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) line, please follow the process outlined below:

Contact us at to discuss your requirements.
Execution of legal documentation will be required for the acquisition of this cell line (Research Use Licence). Additional documents will need to be completed including a “Shipping and Order Form” along with a “NIBSC New Customer Form” (if required).
Once all documentation is provided, a member of the team will contact you to arrange the shipping of the requested cell line at the earliest convenience.
Cryovials of the cell line of interested will be supplied to you along with a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) and cell culture protocols. Any feedback on this process will be much appreciated to help improve our service. Please get in touch at
Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts
Our Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs) can be purchased directly from our NIBSC catalogue.
Code of practice for the use of human stem cell lines
Constructed by the UK Steering Committee for the UK Stem Cell Bank and the use of Human Stem Cell lines, the Code of Practice for the Use of Human Stem Cell Lines [PDF] is designed to provide confidence and reassurance, to both professionals and members of the public that human stem cell research in the UK is conducted within a transparent and ethical framework. Although the main emphasis of the code is on human embryonic stem cell lines references to stem cell lines derived from other human tissue are included.
The code should be viewed in the context of other codes of practice produced by regulatory agencies such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Anyone working with human stem cell lines in the UK should use this code of practice, in conjunction with other relevant legislation, to form a baseline of ethical and practical standards for their operations.
Transfer, import or export of stem cells
Researchers wishing to either import or export human embryonic stem cell lines into or out of the UK should complete the Application to import or export human embryonic stem cell lines into or out of the UK form and submit their application to the Secretary of the Stem Cell Steering Committee by email (
Researchers wishing to export human embryonic stem cells to other countries should ensure that the research performed overseas fulfils the requirements of the Steering Committee as set out in the Code of Practice for the Use of Human Stem Cell Lines [PDF], and complies with UK legislation and the legislation of the country the cell lines are being exported to.
In agreement with section 6.6 of the Code of Practice for the Use of Human Stem Cell Lines (2010) and key stakeholders, the UKSCB operates a cost recovery model for access to banked stem cell lines. For further information please contact us at