Product description
5% Immunoglobulin (Negative Control)
Product number
Intravenous Immunoglobulin, IgG, haemagglutination, anti-A, anti-B, haemagglutinins, hemagglutination, hemagglutinins,
Type of standard
Non WHO Reference Material
Customer notes
Non-WHO reagent. 5% IVIG prepared from AB plasma for use as a Negative Control in haemagglutination assays used to detect anti-A and anti-B in IVIG. For use with product 07/306 (IVIG Positive Control).
Instructions for Use
Minimum quantity
Unit price
07/306 Anti-A and anti-B in IVIG: Positive control for haemagglutination tests (WHO Reference Reagent)
International Reference Reagent